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Leica DM6 M LIBS

Combine visual and qualitative chemical inspection in a single work step and save 90% of your time to determine microstructure composition compared to inspection with conventional SEM/EDS.

Integrated Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) delivers the exact chemical fingerprint of the material’s structure that you see in the microscope image - within a second.

The data obtained is sufficient in >90% of cases for users to make confident decisions rapidly concerning further actions to be taken (e.g., if more detailed analysis with SEM is needed to identify the source of contamination)

Obtaining data on both particle composition and structure quickly gives you the advantage of making confident decisions more rapidly during the analysis

There is no need for sample preparation nor transfer between 2 or more devices. The entire analysis workflow occurs with a single instrument.

Layer analysis can be used to find the composition of each layer in a material. Examples of layered materials would be multi-coated or painted metals.

The DM6 M LIBS solution exploits Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to make qualitative chemical analysis possible.

Trigger the analysis with a single click and a laser will strike the targeted spot on the sample. A plasma will be created and then break down. The resulting characteristic light spectrum shows the fingerprints of the elements present in the material

  • Save 90% time for chemical analysis compared to typical methods involving electron microscopy

  • Quick, confident decision making based on reliable information about the material, both visual and chemical

  • No sample preparation nor transfer. No system adjustment. No relocating the region of interest (ROI)
  • Perform both structural and elemental/chemical analysis of material phases, e.g., minerals, alloys, ceramics, etc
  • The ablation principle of LIBS can be exploited for micro-drilling into materials
  • The DM6 M LIBS solution exploits Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to make qualitative chemical analysis possible
  • Observation with a large objective magnification range from 1.25x to 100x
  • Easy visualization of a material’s fine structure in its true colors with multiple contrast techniques

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