Ergonomic Stereo Microscopes

Ergonomic Stereo Microscopes Leica M50, M60, M80, M125 C Easily inspect, screen, observe or document. Handle your daily inspection or documentation, work confidently, and stay flexible in times of change. […]
Leica K Series of Cameras

Leica K Series of Cameras Flexacam microscope cameras deliver high-resolution imaging with precise color accuracy, allowing you to view minute sample details with remarkable clarity. Flexibly acquire, annotate, and share […]
Flexacam C5, I5, I5 Integrated

Flexacam Series of Cameras: C5, Integrated I5 Stereo/Compound Flexacam microscope cameras deliver high-resolution imaging with precise color accuracy, allowing you to view minute sample details with remarkable clarity. Flexibly acquire, […]
Leica A60 Inspection & Assembly Microscope

Leica A60 Inspection & Assembly Microscope The Leica A60 stereo microscope system is configured for all industrial inspection, assembly and quality control tasks. This extremely helpful tool makes your inspection […]
Leica Ivesta Inspection & Assembly Microscope

Leica Ivesta 3 Stereo Microscope Ivesta 3 is perfect for examining small components, printed circuit boards, biological samples, or assembling intricate devices. These stereo microscopes provide the crisp 3D imaging […]